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Home » car insurance

car insurance

July 30, 2020

Deductibles and Their Impact on Car Insurance?

When you buy car insurance, your insurer will likely ask you to choose a deductible for your physical damage coverage. The deductible is an amount you pay towards the cost of a claim, so it is a good idea to choose wisely. Whatever amount you choose might impact both your ability to receive coverage and […]
March 17, 2020

Can I Do My Own Repairs After Filing a Claim?

So, you’ve just been in an accident and you’re wondering if your insurer will let you fix your car yourself. The answer: It depends, mainly on ownership.  If You Own Your Car Outright: Probably  If it’s all paid up, then most insurers will let you fix the car yourself. This means you can do whatever […]
November 11, 2019

Will A Lapse In Coverage Affect My Rates?

If you let your insurance lapse for any reason, and for any length of time, you are probably going to wind up paying a little more than you’re used to the next time you sign up for a policy. Here’s what you need to know: Your car insurance will be a little more expensive when […]
September 28, 2018

A Truck Kicks Up a Rock, Shattering Your Windshield: Who Pays?

Here are some shocking statistics. Between the years of 2011 and 2014, 200,000 police-reported accidents occurred on US roads related to road debris, according to AAA. This resulted in 500 people dying and 39,000 people suffering injuries. In some cases, auto insurance can help cover the costs. But, when a rock hits your window on […]

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